SEAT CUPRA, S.A.U., with the trade name CUPRA, is a brand belonging to the SEAT corporation with a personality and identity of its own, aiming to grow independently by developing models jointly with SEAT.
CUPRA has always been SEAT’s top expression of sportiness, and now it is also a brand to captivate car enthusiasts, created according to premises of originality, sophistication and performance: a unique brand for unique people. It also includes a whole competition and racing division.
The CUPRA logo is inspired by the attitude of tribal civilisations and reflects the values the new brand aims to transmit: passion, precision, determination and courage.

Excellent professionalism and dedication. The team guided and advised us in the planning of activities and steps along the right path.
CUPRA was looking for a partner with experience in the industry who could guide them in launching their first online store for accessories and merchandising.

SEAT’s stated objective was to set up the first webshop to sell CUPRA accessories and merchandising. Integration with its ERP systems, payment system, product information system, SEATID user authentication, pick-up points and Adobe analytics tool were all essential for SEAT. Moreover, all the design had to fit in with the brand’s corporate image and was very tightly specified by SEAT.
Strategy and services
The online store was created in very close cooperation with SEAT to achieve and agree on a design to meet their expectations, fully aligned with the design stipulated by SEAT CUPRA, with a look & feel on a par with the brand, responsive and mobile first, while ensuring integration with each and every one of the systems required for the project to be successful (ERP, pick-up points, HI-Pay payment system, OWA, SEATID, Adobe Analytics).
- Tell me when it’s available module.
- Delivery point finder module
- Returns module
- One-step checkout module
Objectives achieved
- Setting up the first CUPRA online merchandising store.
- Opening the store in the first market chosen to approach, which was France.
- Integration with the French Oreca ERP, pick-up points and French payment system (Hi-Pay).
- Integration with SEAT agnostic systems: OWA (for price and product data), SEATID (for login, user names, marketing permissions and legal texts) and Adobe Analytics.
- Design in line with the brand.

What were your main reasons for choosing TLG Commerce?
We knew TLG Commerce from our experience with the VW accessory webshop, launched in 2017. We were looking for a partner with experience in the industry who could guide us in launching our first online store for accessories and merchandising for the CUPRA brand.
How was your experience of working with TLG Commerce, and what would you highlight about the service and attention you got?
Excellent professionalism and dedication. The team guided and advised us in the planning of activities and steps along the right path. The development and delivery times were always realistic and were fulfilled in terms of both time and quality, so we would recommend working with them 100%.
TLG Commerce has its own software, which you decided to use in your solution. What would you highlight about LogiCommerce?
Flexibility and good coverage of services. In addition, with the integration we had to provided with other partners, LogiCommerce was up to the job.
Are you satisfied with the result?
Yes, we’re highly satisfied with the result. Both the webshop customer experience and the back-office for internal management are intuitive, simple and proven, as well as featuring the improvements that come from years of experience.
Would you recommend TLG Commerce?
We would recommend working with TLG Commerce to any company, large or small, that wants to get into eCommerce with the help and support of a professional team, and to all companies looking for a flexible system that can adapt to the peculiarities of their business.