Àuria Cosmetics

Àuria Cosmetics – part of the Àuria group – is the name of this, our own line of fragrances and perfumes manufactured for third parties.
In March 2020 Àuria offered its production capacity to AEMPS, the Spanish medication and healthcare products agency, to manufacture hydro-alcoholic and hygiene solutions to meet the need to supply healthcare centers, care homes and public facilities with this product to combat the Covid-19 coronavirus. With AEMPS approval, the formula of the product has been designed in line with WHO recommendations.

The management of the project was very organized, and we undertook the whole digitization in record time
El reto: digitalizar pedidos mediante un eCommerce, reduciendo al máximo los pedidos telefónicos o vía email

The wide popularity and demand for hydro-alcoholic solutions during the COVID-19 crisis led Àuria Cosmetics to expand the availability of these hand sanitizers. For this purpose it contacted TLG Commerce to create an eCommerce to make these products available to companies, stores and end users online, in order to reach a wider market.
Strategy and services
TLG’s challenge was a digitize order management through an eCommerce, cutting telephone and email orders to a minimum. This required the Commerce to be integrated with the management ERP to automate and speed up processes.
- Multi-language
- B2C / B2B
- Integration with ERP (Sage)
Objectives achieved
- New line of business opened up: hydro-alcoholic solutions
- Increased sales in the B2C and B2B channels
- Customer order process speeded up
- Digitization of the model and strategic technological change fostered by management

Why did you decide to move your business online?
One of the main reasons was the creation of a product of our own in March 2020 – hydro-alcoholic solutions – as up to then we had only manufactured perfumes for third parties. The successful sales of the hydro-alcoholic solutions to the authorities led us to seek other sales channels, and this meant digitizing part of the business, which is just what we were not used to.
Why did you decide on TLG Commerce as a partner for your Commerce?
First of all, because it is a firm with a well-known history in our town, Igualada. Secondly, because we firmly believe in custom IT solutions. Àuria is a very traditional company with a belief that before falling back on IT we do things ourselves, but the LogiCommerce tool met our needs perfectly and has raised doubts about aspects of our order processing that we would not otherwise have changed.
How was your experience of working with the TLG Commerce team?
The experience was very good because all the Àuria workforce took part in the project. The management of the project was very organized, and we undertook the whole digitization in record time – 1 month – and during a holiday period.
Are you satisfied with the result?
We are very satisfied because the Commerce has brought us major orders both from the authorities and from schools where there is a need for our products.
We are currently working with the marketing department on various strategies for both B2B and B2C, but it is too soon to see the results as we have only just set up the services.